Magnificant! You unveiled two dark band-secrets.
The lost knowledge about the Credit Points:
Tantaluz' band members receive Credit Points for band actions which were either absolutely brilliant or absolutely stupid.
The other members decide about the awarding of Credit Points. At certain dates, the so called Credit-days, the band members are allowed to exchange their Credit Points against better equipment, e.g. new weapons.
The weasel-cage:
Tantaluz' gig-room and recording-studio at once, is located in Bonn, Germany. Its name derives from the smell the room produces within minutes while jammin' inside.
The weasel-cage's special feature is being able to gather the heat, sweat and smell of all band members, to extract a cube of Tantaluz-essence (Perhaps to be found on ebay one day.
[Video Game Music]
[Film Scores]
[The Band]